In this lecture, Principle #6: Come In Late, Leave Early, students will learn a core screenwriting technique for crafting tight, impactful scenes that propel the narrative momentum.
Through examples from films like Mel Brooks' The Producers, students will understand the power of entering scenes late, joining the action already in progress, and exiting early before energy dissipates.
After this lecture, students will be able to:
1. Identify areas in their manuscript where they can trim extraneous setup and wind-down.
2. Implement a "hit the ground running" approach to their scenes for improved pacing.
3. Avoid overstaying a scene's welcome by finding earlier exit points.
4. Elevate the overall impact by removing excess while implying events to the reader's imagination.
5. Apply an "addition by subtraction" mindset to strengthen scenes through judicious editing.
The key takeaway is that by entering scenes late and leaving early, students can tighten their writing, ratchet up the tension and forward momentum, and create a more immersive, unputdownable reading experience akin to a relentless cinematic narrative.